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Archived Message

Office of the Chancellor


Capitalizing on Strategic Planning Momentum

November 29, 2023

Dear Students, Faculty, and Staff,

I’m pleased to share with you a report you may access by clicking this link that summarizes the strategic planning meeting that was held last month, when members of the university community convened for an all-day session to discuss potential priorities that will shape the next iteration of the university’s strategic plan.

I want to extend thanks to the more than 250 members of our campus community who took advantage of this opportunity. Your energy, enthusiasm, and creativity were on full display, and your input was invaluable to the process.

I also want to thank the Strategic Planning Design Committee co-chaired by Farah Combs, Honors Program director; Joel Givens, assistant im体育 of counselor education; and Shubitha Kever, associate chief diversity officer. The committee put together an agenda that created a structure and environment for an energizing, open discussion and exchange of ideas, and the co-chairs developed this summary report that captures the themes that emerged during the planning session.

Thank you for your continued interest and support as we chart this next phase of the university’s future. We will be in touch soon regarding next steps in the strategic planning process.


Ron Elsenbaumer