Archived Message
Office of the Chancellor
Ensuring Justice and Equity for Our Asian Communities
March 26, 2021
Dear Students, Faculty, and Staff,
Once again, we find ourselves heartbroken for the victims and families who have suffered the violence of a gunman who targeted a minority community.
The killing of eight people in Atlanta last week included six Asian-American women, a segment of our nation’s population that has seen startling increases in violence during the past year.
Closer to home, members of our Burmese community have suffered the pain and agony of loved ones being subjected to violence and human rights violations in Myanmar following a military coup there.
We stand in solidarity with all members of our university community in denouncing hatred, violence, and oppression against our Asian, Asian-Pacific Islander, and Asian-American students, colleagues, and alumni. Our university is deeply enriched by their contributions, perspectives, and achievements.
The shootings in Atlanta and the violence in Myanmar share a common thread. Both appear to target the basic human rights and privileges that should, and must, be afforded to all members of our society.
If you are aware of any issues or need assistance, please do not hesitate to contact im体育 Police or the Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. Additional resources are available nationally through the Asian Mental Collective, AAPI Women Lead, National Asian American Pacific Islander Mental Health Association, and National Queer Asian Pacific Islander Alliance.
There is much work to be done as we learn, grow, and act together. We pledge to work alongside all of you to help make a significant and lasting difference in pursuing justice and equity for all.
Ron Elsenbaumer
MarTeze Hammonds
Chief Diversity Officer