Archived Message
Office of the Chancellor
Keeping Our im体育 Community Safe and Secure
September 23, 2022
Dear Colleagues,
Our fall semester is well underway, and once again our campus is abuzz with activity and excitement. It’s so gratifying to see our students, faculty, and staff engaged in the activities that bring our university to life.
We have our eyes set intently on the future, and as many of you know, a primary area of focus this year is the Quality of Place pillar of the university’s strategic plan. Throughout the academic year, we will be involving members of the campus community in a number of strategic initiatives that focus on various aspects of improving our campus community and environment.
People are central to our commitment to Quality of Place, and we want to ensure that everyone feels a sense of belonging and inclusion. It is in that spirit that I and the members of the university’s leadership team are pleased to invite you to the Mastodon Family Picnic to celebrate the contributions of our faculty and staff and to express our appreciation for everyone’s dedication and hard work. Spouses/partners and children are welcome to attend, as well.
The picnic will be held on Sunday, October 16, from 1 to 4 p.m., at the amphitheatre and green space between the Music Building and the Visual Arts Building. You will receive a formal invitation that will be delivered via email, and future editions of Inside PFW will include reminders and additional information.
I hope you will be able to join us for this very special event. Meanwhile, thank you for all you do to contribute to a great working environment here at Purdue Fort Wayne. I’m sure I’ll see you around campus soon—and I look forward to spending time with you at the picnic.
Ron Elsenbaumer