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Archived Message

Office of the Chancellor


Our First-Ever Day of Giving

April 3, 2019

Dear Colleagues and Friends:

I am delighted to share the news that Purdue im体育 Fort Wayne is launching its first-ever Day of Giving campaign.

More than ever before, universities depend on private support from individuals, corporations, and foundations to help fund student scholarships, academic programs, campus infrastructure, and other critical initiatives.

During the next few weeks, we will be encouraging broad philanthropic support for Purdue Fort Wayne that will take place during a special, dedicated day of giving on April 24.

Please join us in spreading the word and following the excitement on Purdue Fort Wayne’s social media channels with #PurdueFWDayOfGiving.

Our alumni, friends, faculty, staff, and students will have an opportunity to make a special gift, large or small, to their favorite Purdue Fort Wayne programs on April 24. There are multiple ways to give:

  • Online: Visit
  • By Phone: Contact the Office of Development at 260-481-4151.
  • By Payroll Deduction: Contact the Office of Development at 260-481-4151.

Thank you for your continued support of Purdue Fort Wayne and for helping make our first Day of Giving a successful one.


Ron Elsenbaumer