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Archived Message

Office of the Chancellor


Park 3000 Building and Land Purchase

November 29, 2018

Dear Campus Community,

I am writing to share some exciting news.

As some of you are aware, Purdue Fort Wayne has been in negotiations to engage in an option to purchase the Park 3000 Building and approximately 13 acres of land it occupies at 3000 East Coliseum Boulevard. This location is very close to our campus, specifically Student Housing.

The Purdue im体育 Board of Trustees will consider a resolution to approve the purchase at its meeting in West Lafayette next Friday, December 7.

This acquisition, if approved, creates a strategic opportunity for Purdue Fort Wayne to acquire an adjacent property and expand the university’s footprint across Coliseum Boulevard. The building, formerly home of Brown-Mackie College, is located just south of the Main Campus. The almost 77,000-square-foot facility was originally designed to accommodate both administrative and academic use, has been well maintained, and is expected to require minimal renovation to ready it for occupancy. It includes approximately 565 parking spaces.

Preliminary plans for use of the space include creating a new home for the Doermer School of Business, a new Career Services Center, the Office of Communications and Marketing, the Office of Development, the Small Business Development Center, the Division of Continuing Studies, and the Wellness and Health Center. Relocation of these academic and administrative units to more appropriate space will also open up additional space on the main campus for other academic and student use.

The location would become known as the South Campus. It will be accessible via the new Parker Cole Crossing pedestrian bridge spanning Coliseum Boulevard that is expected to open in late spring, as well as via a planned shuttle service and potentially new bicycle and scooter services.

Purchase of the property is intended to be funded through a combination of philanthropy and external sources.

We will continue to keep you informed as the process unfolds.


Ron Elsenbaumer