American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Student Organizations
What We Do
Building a Better Tomorrow
Our mission is to promote the art, science, and practice of mechanical and multidisciplinary engineering and allied science around Purdue Fort Wayne.
- Scientific and educational: directed toward the advancement of the theory and practice of mechanical engineering and the allied branches of engineering and the related arts and sciences
- Professional: directed toward the advancement of the standing of the members of the profession it serves
- Promotion: directed toward the advancement of the organization and its members to the university and the community
Section I: Qualifications
- Fifty-one percent of the total membership must be currently enrolled students at Purdue im体育 Fort Wayne, and only those members may vote, hold office, and represent the organization or university in an official capacity.
- The minimum membership requirement is eight members.
- Membership and participation shall be free from discrimination and harassment per the policies of the Purdue Fort Wayne Code of Student Rights, Responsibilities, and Conduct as stated in Part I, Section A, Items 3 and 4.
Section II: Status
- Voting membership shall be open to all students currently enrolled in at least 3 credit hours at Purdue Fort Wayne.
- Faculty, staff, alumni, or community members may hold nonstudent memberships; these members may not hold office, do not have voting privileges, and may not represent the organization or university in an official capacity.
Section III: Dues
- Each member shall be required to pay $10 per semester.