Association for Computing Machinery
Student Organizations
What We Do
A network of gamers, hobbyists, entrepreneurs, modders, makers, people who are just curious, and more!
The PFW ACM is an organization of students who are interested in computers or computing. We welcome any and all levels of computing knowledge, and while we hope that you'll learn more about computing through interactions within the community, it's not required or expected.
Programming, Computing, and Digital Communications are core parts of our modern world, and ensuring equitable access and understanding of the ways that they function and can be applied is vital to maintaining ethics in computer science and driving the application of the field forwards.
As a group dedicated to the exploration of these things, we seek to create and maintain expectations for free, equitable, and shared access to computing. This means we're interested in anyone with any interest in computing, its scientific theory, or its application. This includes gamers, hobbyists, entrepreneurs, modders, makers, people who are just curious, and more!
- To promote and increase knowledge of and greater interest in the design, development, construction, languages, management, and applications of computing
- To promote greater interest in computing and its applications
- To provide means of communication between people having interests in computing
- Serve students at Purdue im体育 Fort Wayne and other interested persons in the Fort Wayne community
Section I: Qualifications
- Fifty-one percent of the total membership must be currently enrolled students at Purdue Fort Wayne, and only those members may vote, hold office, and represent the organization or university in an official capacity.
- The minimum membership requirement is eight members.
- Membership in this organization shall be open to all Purdue Fort Wayne students, ACM members, and ASM SIG members in the Fort Wayne locality, and may include a limited number of students, not to exceed one half of the total membership.
- Membership and participation shall be free from discrimination and harassment per the policies of the Purdue Fort Wayne Code of Student Rights, Responsibilities, and Conduct as stated in Part I, Section A, Items 3 and 4.
Section II: Types of Memberships
- The chapter will serve students at Purdue im体育 Fort Wayne and other interested persons in the Fort Wayne community.
Section III: Financial Obligation
- The chapter is chartered by the ACM; this constitution neither supersedes nor abrogates any of the bylaws of the ACM.
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