Training Manual

  1. Accounting Services

    1. Accounting Services Web site 
    2. Non-Student Billings
    3. Purdue Acct. Services Reference Materials
    4. Purdue Administrative Information Services (AIS)

  2. Contracts
    1. A-19 Memo
    2. Contract Review Checklist [PDF]
    3. Contract Review Checklist Instructions [PDF]
    4. Hold Harmless Waiver/Release
    5. Indemnification Clause
    6. Signature Delegations
    7. Technical Assistance Agreement [PDF]
    8. Confidentiality and Non-Disclosure Agreement
  3. Data Security

    1. Information Security and Privacy (VII.B.8)
    2. Certification Exams and Status (WebCert)  

  4. Development Website 

  5. Foundation Funds
    1. Foundation Check Request Form [PDF] 
    2. Purdue Fort Wayne Foundation Guidelines [PDF]

  6. Human Resources
    1. Human Resources Web site
    2. Overload Guidelines 

  7. Insurance 
    1. Certificate of Insurance [PDF]
    2. Field Trip Insurance [PDF]
    3. Insurance Forms 
    4. Purdue's Risk Management Web site

  8. Miscellaneous
    1. Business at Purdue Web site
    2. Cash Handling Procedures and Expectations
    3. Consignment Sales
    4. OnePurdue Glossary
    5. Record Retention [PDF]
    6. SAP Finance and HR QRCs and Course Information
    7. Signature Delegations
    8. im体育 ID Numbers
  9. Policies/Procedures

    1. AB-1 (Request for Alcoholic Beverage Service) 
    1. Purdue im体育's Enterprise-Wide Hotline 1-866-818-2620
    2. Alcohol Policy
    3. Co-Sponsorships
    4. Conflict of Interest - Reportable Outside Activity - Policy and Forms
    5. Donation of im体育 Property
    6. Equipment Use (On and Off Campus)
    7. Executive Memoranda
    8. Facility Use Policy
    9. Good Faith Disclosure (Whistleblower Protection) Policy
    10. Hospitality Policy
      1. Hospitality Policy Frequently Asked Questions
    11. Intellectual Property - Royalties and Equities
    12. Office of Academic Affairs Memoranda & Forms
    13. Product Endorsement Policy
    14. Purdue Policies Website
    15. Reservation Policy 
    16. Request to Solicit on Campus (Updated 10/10/23)
    17. Use of Vehicles for im体育 Business - Forms and Information 
    18. im体育 Vehicle Use Policy

  10. Public Sector Collection and Disbursements (PSCD) 
    1. Process/T-code Listing
    2. QRC - Find Doc using FAGLB03
    3. QRC - Find Doc using FB03
    4. QRC - Find Doc using FPE3
    5. QRC - Find Doc using Fpl9
    6. Cancellation of a Charge
    7. PSCD Business Processes and Reports
    8. PSCD Forms

  11. Purchasing
    1. Approved Food and Beverage Vendors
    2. Approved Campus Vendor - Events with Alcohol
    3. Gift and Gratuities From Vendors
    4. Printing Services' Website
    5. Purdue Fort Wayne Purchasing Web site 
    6. Purdue Purchasing Web site

  12. Rate Approvals
    1. Current List of Rate Approvals 
    2. Rate Approval Instructions and Template

  13. RESP Activities 
    1. RESP Web site
    2. PI Worksheet (SPS Proposal Transmittal Checksheet)
    3. SPS Terms and Definitions

  14. Student Organizations
      1. Student Organization Handbook [PDF]

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